
Demon Hunters in the World of Warcraft

Filtering by Tag: felshroud

Ceremony of Remembrance

Everyone gathers at the Site of Lessons and talk as others arrive. Once everyone has arrived they head to the Site of Remembrance and each offer up something in remembrance of the lost. Malfias appears and informs everyone about that the Outer Gate is breached and offers to works with the Netherbane to protect against whatever might be on the other side. The Elishtars, seeing the need, rejoin into one person again. And Rephaia chases Araatris back to the Site of Lessons.

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The final battle against Sraath commences. The Netherbane transports over to the final ship of the Umbral Eclipse, the original ship. While Sraath gathers his strength, they fight against Ary who's been connected into the Eclipses security systems. They weaken her and knock her out of the way just as Sraath stands with full power. Zhuriel flings Fethas at Sraath and she stabs him in the throat with the crystal. Ary regains herself in time to assist with completing the ritual, but Fethas collapses. The gather the body Sraath had taken, Seruun's, and Fethas and they teleport back over to the Mindslayer. Somewhere else, Tharion and Eraelan wait for the others to pick them up.

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There was no roar of flames, no superheated blast that raced through the open corridors of the ship. There was no massive lurch as countless tons of force were suddenly unleashed upon a small internal chamber of the Umbral Eclipse.

There was a flash of light, and then silence. It was an unnatural silence; the silence of unexpected deafness, of a heart suddenly stopping. It was the silence of two lovers parting ways after countless years, but without having the chance to say goodbye.

The Umbral Eclipse shuddered, a thick and slow vibration that stole balance and bruised bodies. It happened once, lasted for a few seconds, and then ceased. Any sound that could have come from the vibration was choked out by the oppressive silence.

This all happened in an instant; a singular moment of time sliced from the chronology of creation and frozen for what felt like an eternity. Then it was done.

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Shatterbound: Endgame

“Taldarion, if you are about to do something stupid, we are going to have to throw you like we did that demon,” Fethas snarled.

“Stupid, Fethas? When have you ever worried about me being stupid? You know me better than that.”  Ushering her quickly through the closing door, Taldarion called ahead to his mate. “Remember, love. Find Greyseer. Stop the ritual.” He turned back and spoke to himself more softly. “I have a bomb to fix.”

Then the door closed between them, and he was alone with an unconscious demon lord.

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The team reconvenes at the bomb finding Araatris alone to guard it. The others have left. They wait anxiously for Sraath to arrive. When he does, he tosses Thar's blindfold on the ground leaving everyone to wonder if their mentor, teacher, and friend is still alive. Sraath's sword takes Tris' single soul first, but as the fight wears on... more and more fall. Shatterbound. Felshroud. Zadera. Reinforcements arrive allowing Poeryth to divest the demon lord of his blade and giving her time to free the souls within. Ary's voice counts down to an apotheosis while Sraath falls, unconscious. As the doors start to lower, the run for the exit to get out of range and trigger the bomb. Taldarion hesitates, looking behind him and sends the others onward as he turns back.

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Opening the Gates

The Netherbane begin their assault on the Umbral Eclipse. When they reach the doors, the spirit of Mifuune greets them and guides them through a series of puzzles/trials to place the keys in the correct locations to unlock the Umbral Eclipse. When that is complete, the bomb crew enters the ship and hurries to hook up the bomb to the ship's systems. Ary's voice comes over the ship's systems to announce a countdown to launch even as Sraath's image appears in the room, mocking them. They hook up the bomb, but not before the launch completes.

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