This kaldorei* is one of the thero’shan** of Tharion Greyseer.
Originally, a young human woman named Araatris Valryss, the demon huntress was cursed by a demon named Shazadi. The curse splintered her soul into two parts, human and demon hunter. The demon hunter soul was salvaged by Eraelan Netherbane and placed within a night elven body at the demand of her teacher.
She is a demon huntress talented with both felfire and shadow-walking, often using a combination of both for a fast-paced fighting style. As a result of spending so many years as a human, her humor and attitude reflect those influences.
Tris is also the caretaker of the Site of Lessons in Forest Song, Ashenvale. She cleans, maintains, and stocks it with whatever is needed. She can often be found there when she is resting from her hunts.
*Kaldorei: noun - kaldorei; night elf, children of the stars
**Thero’shan: noun - kaldorei; honored student